Do you have a local ocean issue that we can help address?

Our new Ocean Leaders program is looking for projects that challenge graduate students to reach beyond academic research and translate their knowledge into creating tangible change. 

Students will spend an academic year working in teams to address a contemporary issue affecting the health of our coasts and oceans, embracing ecological, socioeconomic, and governance concerns. We are seeking projects where our fellows can do research and collaborate with community, industry, and policy stakeholders to understand and address particular issues. The culmination of their work will be a legacy project that should effect measurable change; this may include a public education campaign, a policy proposal, or an interactive database, among other outputs. For best results, the projects should be quite focused in complexity, space, and time.

Please submit proposals here:

To see sample projects and share your ideas with us, please add to this spreadsheet:

For questions about the course, please contact us via email at